Sofien – Rocking The Beard

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I have to ask you guys, are you rocking the beard? It seems that the whole beardy thing is continuing as a craze, even though some fashion mags last year were saying it was a passing phase and wouldn't last long. It's endured, and it seems that there are a lot of celebs and male models still rocking it and giving us that slightly "hipster" look.

I think it's interesting, and it certainly works on guys like Sofien.

He's the Mexican hottie appearing in this shoot by photographer Alan Roman, showing off his gorgeous beefy bod and looking all ruggedly hipstery (I know that's not a word).

Yes, I have a bit of facial scruff right now too, but that's not so much because of fashion and more through age and indifference to my face. Sorry, that's the way I roll, he stress of Christmas is taking it out of me and I really can't be bothered to do anything more than trim lol

Still, doesn't it look more fitting to have a beard when you're wearing thick sweaters, scarves and gloves every time you step out into the street?

Enjoy Sofien, he's a cute guy with a beefy bod, one for all the bearish fans out there ;)

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Vince Frat
Vince Frat
10 years ago

Thumbs down to the beards. Most guys can’t wear them right and they just look scruffy and not in a good way. Hairy cock and balls YES…Face NO

10 years ago

I strongly disagree, i love beards.

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