So You Want Some Gay Football Bondage Porn?

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Yeah, this hardcore post is likely to get some attention from all you sports fans out there. I don't mean sports fans as in sitting back and watching the game, I mean sports fans like thinking about big and muscled men peeling off their bulging kit together in the team locker rooms lol

This is a little different, because it comes from the Bound Jocks site, a site we've seen a few times on the blog in the past but haven't enjoyed nearly as much as we should have done recently. Of course, the sight of horny and hunky muscled porn star Marc Dylan was what really did it for me.

He's being used and abused by the hairy and hot Knotty Brent for this video, tied up in his kit and fed some dick when the dude arrives to get himself off.

There are a few sites out there doing gay bondage porn these days, but this is one of the most interesting ones in my opinion, they don't stick to the tried and tested formula and they have a very specific style that makes it all about the men appearing in the action. When you have guys like Marc being used you know it's going to be popular!

Check out the video on the site when you get the chance, I think a lot of you guys are going to enjoy it ;)

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