More Of Smooth Young Male Model Dom Blanchard

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Earlier this month we had some gorgeous posts with handsome and smooth young male model Dom Blanchard, and it seems you guys really enjoyed those pics. It's understandable, this handsome young man looks amazing and any opportunity to appreciate his fine physique and that gorgeous face should not be ignored. Well, I have some more sexy shots of the guy to share with you all, this time by photographer Blake Ballard, and they might be the sexiest photos we've seen of him yet. He actually looks a little more buff and jock-like in the other shoots we've seen of him, so I think this might be a bit older than those. In this one he looks a little less defined, but still incredibly sexy. And the fact that he's teasing us with some nudity in this one makes it a little more special too. I always love black and white images, but when the subject is teasing us with some potential nudity it's even better. Will we get to see him naked at some point? I'm guessing so. He seems to have that confidence and he would look amazing in some erotic naked poses by a great photographer like this. He seems to pick some great artists to work with too, so I'm hopeful we're going to be seeing a lot more of him in great shoots like this one in the future. Leave a comment and let me know what you guys think. Should we have more of him on the Gay Body Blog in 2018?

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