Smooth Jocks Augusta Alexander And Eric Bergmann Look Amazing

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It seems as though neither Augusta Alexander nor Eric Bergmann have been seen on the Gay Body Blog before, and I'm not entirely sure why. They're both my type, and I know you guys love checking out guys like these too. You can bet that after seeing this shoot by photographer Kosmas Pavlos I'm gonna be looking for more of both of these guys. Attitude Magazine is delivering these two handsome guys showing off in their underwear and giving us some bulge action, but I do have one criticism. I know you've heard me say this before, but when there's a couple of guys showing off for a shoot we kind of expect at least a couple of photos of the guys together rather than all the pics being solo. They missed an opportunity here, in my opinion. Still, the guys are sexy and their bods are amazing, the handsome guys look so good in nothing but those tightly whities. Enjoy some of these photos of the guys showing off and being delicious, leave a comment and feel free to share this post around out there for all your friends and followers to enjoy! Have a glorious Friday, go and have a well-deserved drink :)

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7 years ago

Yup, they’re definitely my type, too. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them before….so glad you finally have them here. Will love seeing much more of them.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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