Smooth Jock Dude Trevor Signorino

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We've seen him on the Gay Body Blog a few times in the past, but it seems it's been almost a year since we last ogled the gorgeous body and handsome face of male model Trevor Signorino, and of course this is far too long an absence. I don't know if perhaps he's been away from the male modeling business for a while or maybe he's been focused on catwalk shows rather than photo shoots (he is a major name, after all) but I think I speak for us all when I say we need more of him. Looking at recent amateur style shots I've seen of the guy he's looking a little more muscled and toned these days. I don't know where those shots come from but there are some of him in locker rooms and sporty environments with muscles bulging out all over the place :) He's not too big, just a little more built than he is in these photos, which tells me these might be a little older. I don't mind either way, any chance to see this handsome hunk showing some skin is a good opportunity to share him. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and have a great Tuesday!

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7 years ago


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