Smooth Hunk Ben Dudman Shows More Skin

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Okay guys, I know it's Sunday and you've just been slightly overwhelmed by some real hardcore action on the blog, but I'm not done getting you horny just yet.

We've seen handsome British muscle dude Ben Dudman on the Gay Body Blog a couple of times now. The first time we saw the guy he was smooth and buff and posing in a fitness shoot, then we saw him again a few days ago looking hairy and hot for a more recent offering.

This one is a little older than both, I think, and he's showing a little more skin too!

I don't think there are any proper naked full-on dick pics of the gorgeous guy out there, but seeing him in the tub, and showing a little bit of ass cleft and shaved crotch might get your temperature rising enough to almost want to demand a nude shoot.

Believe me, I'm right there with you, this fitness model has a lot of what I love to see in a guy and that smile too... damn.

Check out these pics by photographer James Critchley and feel free to drool over the prospect of this guy being naked in your tub.

Leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and have a fantastic Sunday! :)

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5 years ago

According to LPSG, Ben polices the release of his nudes pretty tightly and any nude shots other people post get taken down very quickly. That’s fair enough, he has an Only Fans account so that is part of his business model. There’s one dick shot that may be his if you google “Ben Dudman cock” and look at the images tab. I think that’s all people are going to get unless they subscribe. He usually sports a lot more body hair and Twitter gave a resounding “no” when he asked if he should shave it.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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