Smooth And Buff Tyson Dayley Would Get It

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So I went to the gym this morning even though I thought I might spend the entire time washing my hands and using sanitizer. It was actually almost empty but there were a few guys milling around and one of them caught my attention.

He caught my attention because he was a gorgeous guy in his late 20s who chose to wear the tightest little cycling shorts and happened to have one of the most impressive and detailed cock bulges I have ever seen at the gym.

I guess that's why he chooses to wear that!? lol

Why am I telling you this? Because he reminded me so much of male model and muscle hunk Tyson Dayley that I was immediately planning to get a post up about him again.

We've seen this gorgeous young man on the blog a couple of times before and I will never get tired of seeing that incredible smooth body. I did look for some new shoots with him but I guess he's only part time in modeling because there doesn't seem to be anything more recent than these random pics from random photographers, but I don't think you guys are gonna be complaining about that too much :)

This guy is awesome, and he's got the kind of body that could only ever encourage you to start working out more. After you've enjoyed him as a little inspiration for other things, perhaps lol

Check him out, leave a comment, hit that thumbs up button and share the post too, your friends and followers will appreciate him.

Have a fantastic Wednesday!

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5 years ago

Absolutely gorgeous! What the human body was meant to be!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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