Smooth And Buff Robert Westbrook

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Have we had Robert Westbrook on the Gay Body Blog before? I'm sure we have, but I can't find him. Oh well, we definitely have him here now, and he's a very welcome addition to our ever-growing cast of hotties!

Lucky photographer Armando Adajar has had the chance to hang out with this handsome and fit young male model, and this is the delicious result of their time together with a camera.

Wearing some pretty tight little undies and showing off his bulge and that sexy smooth muscled body he's giving us a very sporty theme for this one, and even though I don't have a sporty bone in my body (tee hee, bone) I can definitely appreciate the sexiness and masculinity of it all.

My only complaint about this shoot is that there's not more of him. Then again, I always seem to be saying that. So many shoots are limited to less than 10 shots, and some are far less than that too, but I think we all agree that would appreciate a little more of this guy.

Check out the photos, leave a comment, give him a thumbs up and feel free to share this post around with all your lucky social media buddies :)

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