We All Want To Go Skinny Dipping With Willy Wagtail

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It's an interesting name, Willy Wagtail. There are numerous jokes I could make about this, but through fear of potentially offending the handsome Tarzan-looking hunk I think I'll hold back on those and just say that he could wag anything he likes in my direction whenever the mood takes him! Photographer Joe Mazza is the lucky guy out in the wild with this utterly gorgeous man, enjoying the scenery, and by that I mean enjoying the man totally naked and showing everything off for the world in what has to be one of the best nude male shoots I've seen for a while. Everything about this shoot presses all the right buttons for me. The guy is stunning, the setting is perfect, I can totally imagine what it would be like to be spending the day with Willy out in the open and totally naked like this. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to be there with him right now? I'll say again, though, there's not enough of this gorgeous naked hunk in the world. I can only find one shoot of the guy showing it all off, with a couple of other pics here and there of more mainstream modeling. Why is that? The guy is amazing and any photographer worth their salt would love to have him in front of their camera. Leave a comment, give him a thumbs-up, share the post around and lets see if we can get this gorgeous man some more exposure, leading to some more work. We all want that, right? we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-0 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-1 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-2 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-3 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-4 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-5 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-6 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-7 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-8 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-9 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-10 we-all-want-to-go-skinny-dipping-with-willy-wagtail-11

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8 years ago

I’ll pass…….wait…..I’ll hang out with the duck…it’s a lot cuter.

8 years ago

He looks exactly like a slightly more muscular version of British (or Australian?) gayporn actor Woody Fox. Or is it Woody? In any case, he’s a gorgeous man.

Reply to  pje821
8 years ago

Indeed, it is Woody Fox.

Doc duke
Doc duke
7 years ago

I have to say I enjoyed watching this guys career. His porn and his nudes . I chatted him up on Facebook and sent him one of my fav porn pics him (
On pvt message) and he freaked out . Said he’s an artist and only did porn for money ! Boys ! If your over 18 you probably are fully aware ur porn is out there forever . Best embrace it .

6 years ago

I meet him at a bath house in Vancouver his cock is amazing.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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