Six Years Later We Have More Of Gorgeous Iago Botelho

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I know we've had at least a few examples of this happening before, where I share a hot model and then we see nothing else from them for several years. I think this is the first time we've reached a six year delay, though!

We last saw Iago Botelho way back in 2015.

Can you remember those times? Ah, how naive we were, how carefree.

*Pauses to gaze out of his office window*

I don't know when this shoot by photographer Stewart Shining took place but I'm gonna guess that it wasn't quite that long ago. I would assume this sexy Brazilian model is still out there doing his thing.

Maybe it's going to be another six years before we see him again lol

He was looking pretty hot in a summer themed shoot back then and now he's back looking hot in some tight swimwear and once again making us long for the summer.

I can't be the only one who would love to spend a day at the beach with this guy.

Preferably a nude beach, but any beach would be fine I guess lol

Enjoy him, leave a comment and hit the thumbs up button.

Let's hope we don't have to wait quite so long to see him again.

Have a great Monday!

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3 years ago

Cute smile.

3 years ago

This is one unusually beautiful man with youthful features, a stunning body but more so incredible eyes. A beauty in a slightly offbeat but very sexy way!

3 years ago

He’s adorable for a guy who doesn’t own a comb or brush.

3 years ago

what a pleasure ! thank you

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