Show Some Love For Matt Nicol!

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No doubt a lot of you are aware of the previous posts we've had with stunning hunk Matt Nicol, but if you somehow missed those I recommend clicking here and checking out his past appearances.

We need more of him, obviously, and when I saw this awesome shoot by Kemuel Valdes I couldn't wait to share the photos with you.

Now, when we last saw him in December I wasn't able to tell you anything about the guy, and unfortunately that hasn't changed. Despite my best efforts (okay, I admit I'm no internet sleuth, but I'm not completely useless either lol) I haven't been able to find a single article on any blog describing anything about him or his life.

I don't know why, but aside from the many photos there are of him out there information about him is almost non-existent. Maybe that's by design? Perhaps he's just a very private person and doesn't want to do any interviews?

You can count me among the guys who want to know everything. Seriously, I need to know what he eats, the music he enjoys, his fave movie, his shoe size... everything! lol

Is that a little bit "stalkerish"? Maybe. I don't care. I want to know all there is to know about this incredible man.

Let me know in the comments what you guys think of him, although I think I already know :)

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6 years ago

He’s very handsome, and would have a dynamite body if it weren’t for his flat, shapeless ass. He definitely needs to put some effort into giving it life.

6 years ago

Perfect physique from the front. Though the hair should have never left the cover of a 1990s romance novel. And that ass needs some work at the gym.

5 years ago

aparece una entrevista una revista llamada Prestige Magazine de julio de 2018, donde informan que es un modelo nacido en Canadá pero de origen Bulgaro, que se dedica basicamente al modelaje pero tambien trabajo un poco en el negocio inmobiliario. Dice que le encantel fisiculturismo y las artes marciales

4 years ago

I’m his fan arter.
I totally agree with you! I don’t even know how tall he is!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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