Shiny Jock Guy In Underwear

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You know I've had a bit of a bad attitude when it comes to airbrushed photos of guys in the past, but I had to conceded a while ago that sometimes it works. I think it depends on the style of the photos, the guy being brushed, and how subtle it is too. This shoot for PPÜ is done just right in my opinion - not too much airbrushing, but just a little to make the guy really stand out. You know it's been done, but it's made to be part of the image instead of a cheat.

I have to confess that although I have seen this handsome muscled hunk before in a few shoots I can't remember his name, so if you know please share with the rest of us. I would really like to find out some more about this guy and maybe see if there are some other really sexy pics of him out there I can add to a post too.

So, the photographer for these images is Walter Aguirre, a new name I haven't heard of before. I'm pretty certain we haven't had any of this guys work on the blog before this post, but he's definitely a welcome addition!

The guy posing is the real star of this post though. I know the digital adjustments have made him totally perfect, but even without that you can tell that he's incredibly handsome, and that body is just delicious!

Remember guys, if you know who he is, please share ;)

Shiny Jock Guy In Underwear (1)

Shiny Jock Guy In Underwear (2)

Shiny Jock Guy In Underwear (3)

Shiny Jock Guy In Underwear (4)

Shiny Jock Guy In Underwear (5)

Shiny Jock Guy In Underwear (6)

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12 years ago

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is scorching handsome and sultry!

12 years ago

you got me hooked on that DICK OUTLINE from the other model..this guy is hot but his dick looks manmade 🙂


12 years ago

Couldn’t find the model’s name but the photographer is Walter Aguirre for the Winter 2012 ppü, ad campaign. After you’ve checked out the basket on the model, look up and you can see PPU on the waistband of the underwear.

12 years ago

His name is David Henao, he’s a colombian male model, bet you’ll find more hot pics of him, he’s gorgeous.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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