Shaun Kessler Is A Sexy Daddy With A Slightly Dangerous Look That I Love To See

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So, I've tagged Shaun Kessler as a male model for this post but I'm sometimes unsure if that's an accurate way to describer certain guys.

No doubt this handsome and buff dude has all the qualities of a male model and he is posing for AnotherSelfMachine in this collection of images, but he's not technically a "professional male model" in the way so many other guys featured here are.

I'm still gonna call him that though, because he is modeling for a shoot, so...

While he's not a pro male model he's definitely a character on the NYC gay scene. Apparently he goes by the name Lord Kessy.

I'm assuming he has subjects, like any "Lord" should? lol

I wouldn't mind being one.

He's a very handsome man, with that kind of dangerous or slightly rough look about him. He's got that Bruce Willis or Jason Statham kind of face, if you know what I mean.

And yes, I would definitely have hooked up with either of them, especially Willis in his Die Hard days!

Enjoy Mr. Kessler, and let's hope we get to see some more of him in the future.

I can't be the only one who wants to see what he's packing, right?

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2 years ago

This gentleman is my “type,” that perfect look that makes you catch your breath. I hope you *don’t* find any nudes of him — my health insurance might not cover it.

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