Sexy Twin Brothers Jonathan And Kevin Sampaio In Their Undies!

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Why is this the first time I'm hearing of the existence of Jonathan and Kevin Sampaio? I guess we might be seeing a lot more of both of them in the future now it turns out that Kevin Sampaio is dating Madonna, of all people. I don't know if that's true, but these twin brothers definitely look like her "type", don't they? I guess the fact that they're twins and that they're so damn sexy makes these French brothers pretty special in the modeling business. From what I gather they've appeared for some very big brands, including D&G, Armani and Versace. As you can see from these photos by photographer Celso Colaço they look damn fine in their underwear, especially together. I know, you're all having dirty thoughts about having some fun with twin brothers like these guys, and believe me I'm right there with you. Can you imagine!? lol I think I might be spending a little too much time looking around for more of each of these guys this afternoon, so don't be surprised if we get another post of pics featuring them some time this week. I don't think you'll be complaining about that, though, right guys? Have a fab Wednesday, leave a comment below and say hi, hit that thumbs up button too if you want more of these guys, or just twins in general! :)

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6 years ago

Sexy indeed! Those twins have a look — Hot!

6 years ago

Hmmm they are not french. They are Portuguese!

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