Sexy Surfer Boy Christopher Mason
If you're of my generation (be honest, some of you most definitely are!) then you'll probably understand it when I make the comparison between male model Christopher Mason and late actor River Phoenix.
I know I've probably made that comparison before, with another male model, but some of you will definitely understand what I mean if you were a fan of that handsome young star before his passing in the 90's.
I'm actually pretty surprised that we haven't seen this guy on the Gay Body Blog before, because he's definitely our type of guy.
He doesn't just remind of my Phoenix physically, although there are some real striking similarities there, he's also a lot like him when it comes to his personality too. From what I've read he's a very free-spirited young man, daring and somewhat naive.
You can kind of see that in a lot of his photos too.
Apparently, there are some dick pics out there, but as with all those so-called "celeb exposed" shots you never really can tell if it's actually the guy or not.
Maybe I'll share them with you on the blog in a future naked post?
Have a lovely day guys, enjoy this sexy young man and leave a comment if you have something to add - which you know you do :)

Sexy blond hunk! love it. thanks!
Methinks you do River Phoenix a disservice