Sexy Sporty Hunk Ignacio Pérez In The Sun

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We've seen Ignacio Pérez on the Gay Body Blog a couple of times before, but I think we all know we really need more of him. He's had a lot of love from you guys, but try as I might I just can't seem to find a whole lot of him out there. This is the latest shoot I've found, with photographer Adrián C. Martín taking him outside for some very sexy images. There's not enough, though. Considering we first saw him back in December 2015 I would have expected to have enjoyed a lot more of that gorgeous body by now, but I guess he might have a lot of other things going on in his life. It can't possibly be that he's not getting the work, he's a handsome guy with a great body and there should be plenty of brands out there wanting to have him showing off their gear. As you can see, he looks really good in a pair of jeans, but he definitely looks even hotter out of them. This is why I'm surprised we haven't seen him in more swimwear and underwear shoots in the last year. He has everything a model needs for that and he should be regularly assaulting our horny senses with all kinds of shoots. Let me know what you think, leave a comment and give him a thumbs-up. Have a great Sunday!

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Joseph-marie Moureau
Joseph-marie Moureau
8 years ago

the right man in the right swimwear ! what a pleasure for the eyes!

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