Sexy Rudi Dollmayer In Underwear

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I've just seen some new shots of the gorgeous Rudi Dollmayer, and I found that he was another hunky young male model that I had neglected to mention on the blog, despite me having seen some really sexy pics before too. I don't know what happened there, but I think one of my friends emailed me some of the shots of this young man and I must have just overlooked them? Silly me.

As you can see from these pics, Rudi Dollmayer is one seriously handsome young model, and because I'm a bit of a sucker for a punky look on a dude, his hair in some of these shots really grabbed my attention first.

I know that sounds strange, but I move in rock/punk circles, and there are some seriously hot young men in those circles too. It's got to be about that bad boy image, doesn't it? If this boy was wearing a leather jacket I'd be in love already lol

I don't know much about him, but a cursory search seems to suggest that he was once a professional swimmer. I don't know if there just happens to be another guy with that name, so I'll let you know once I've done a little more digging!

Enjoy these pics, and just know that I'll be out this weekend hoping that I bump into a young man like him.

Rudi Dollmayer In Underwear (1) Rudi Dollmayer In Underwear (2) Rudi Dollmayer In Underwear (3) Rudi Dollmayer In Underwear (4) Rudi Dollmayer In Underwear (5) Rudi Dollmayer In Underwear (6)

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12 years ago

If you ever do bump into someone as hot as Rudi, save me a seat…:)

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