Sexy Robert Swiatek

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After being introduced to the work of the awesome Landis Smithers in the last post of pics featuring Paddy O'Brian I had to get some more of this talented man on here, and seeing this shoot starring Robert Swiatek it was an obvious choice for a sexy post.

I know that some of you might wish there was more of him completely naked, but the guy does the sexy tease so well, and he's so handsome and fit I don't think you'll mind being teased a little with the careful placement of sheets and underwear!

This is actually the first time we've seen Robert Swiatek on the blog too, but after this shoot you can bet that I'll be out there looking for more of this guy and finding out a little about him. I think it's fair to say that he might be new to appearing in front of the cameras, I'm sure we would have seen him before if he'd been out there for a while.

He's so handsome, and he even looks like a Robert too, doesn't he? lol

I usually pick one photo that I love more than the rest, but with this one I can't. The model is perfect, the photography stunning, and the style and teasing just absolutely spot on in each and every image. Well done to both model and artist!

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