Sexy Portraits For L’Officiel Hommes

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How many of you have thought about having a sexy portrait taken for a partner? Probably not too many of you, I guess it's more of "straight couple" thing. That's what this collection of shots for L’Officiel Hommes made me think of when I saw them.

Photographer Michelle du Xuan is the one snapping these sexy guys in various states, and they do look rather delicious as a result. Although I have never been confident enough to have a portrait taken like this I have to admit that there have been times when I've been in a relationship and would have loved to have a photo like this of my partner on my office desk, although tamer than the nude shots of course! lol

I wish I could give you a list of the models appearing in this shoot, but I have no clue who they are. I guess we don't really need to know though, do we? They're all handsome and sexy and deserving of some attention anyway.

So, let me ask you, have you had a sexy photo taken of you before, would you, and would you like one from a partner? Do tell, curious minds want to know ;)

Sexy Protraits For L’Officiel Hommes (2)

Sexy Protraits For L’Officiel Hommes (3)

Sexy Protraits For L’Officiel Hommes (4)

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Sexy Protraits For L’Officiel Hommes (6)

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11 years ago

The State of CA, USA, recently passed legislation criminalizing “Revenge Porn.” In most cases,the crime occurs when an ex-partner takes erotic videos or pictures — initially made with the consent of the other partner — and posts them on the internet to embarrass his/her ex when things go wrong.

To avoid this from happening, folks should think twice about creating such “art.”

joseph moureau
joseph moureau
11 years ago

it’s only publicity for watches, isn’it?

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