Sexy Matt Nicol Could Seduce Me Any Time

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I was going to save these photos for a future post, maybe in a few days, but I just couldn't wait any longer and wanted to get them on here asap.

Can you think of a better way to end the week? Okay, maybe you can, but I'll bet the first three things you thought of still involved this guy.

We saw the first collection of pics featuring this handsome hunk yesterday and I knew as soon as I hit publish that you guys would appreciate more of him, and with less clothing.

This collection of images is brought to us by Frank Louis Photography, and we really appreciate it. Although, it has to be said that I think we would all appreciate a lot more of him showing absolutely everything. After seeing him bulging out of some tight undies it seems he has a lot to show off, and we want to see it all! :)

I still don't know much more about him, other than he's awesome, and I could probably spend far too much of my day ogling that stunning body and having dirty thoughts about the him.

As always, let me know what you guys think in the comments, share this post around out there, hit that thumbs-up button, and most of all have a damn good Friday!

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6 years ago

6 years ago

I guess there are people who get turned on by that bee’s nest that he likes to display. Maybe it has a hint of feminine, I don’t know. All I know is, once I see that, it completely distracts from anything else, (that includes tattoos and other uglies left on the body.. There are thousands of models out there who at least bother to comb their hair, and seemingly wash it once in awhile. But each to their own.

6 years ago

YpBill I am with you!
These stylists think they are GODS with what they charge an hour but if you have an inkling that something is not right- YOU BETTER SPEAK UP!! I don’t like this hair/ maybe he did? And it looks like a Rufskin photo shoot…

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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