Sexy, Masculine Hotness With Jared North
I confess that I've been staring at these photos since I found them in my inbox this morning and I'm still trying to pick out the things about Jared North that make him so damn sexy.
I think I might be coming to the conclusion that he's the whole package.
You might remember that we enjoyed the first shoot with this guy back in May when he was photographed by Alan Lyon in a canyon setting, naked and communing with nature. That was certainly an interesting and beautiful shoot, but this one allows us to get a little closer.
We know this handsome man isn't shy. He seems to know what he's got, and he knows he's got a lot of it. He's working with Mr. Lyon again for these gorgeously sexy photos, which seem to have been taken in an usual setting. Is it a studio?
I really love the high contrast and the depth of these photos, it kind of makes me think about El going into the dark void in Stranger Things lol
I don't think many of us would mind following Jared North.
Enjoy the pics, leave a comment below and hit that thumbs-up button. Have a lovely Wednesday!

OH YEAH!!! 1000% total package. once again. M O R E.