Sexy Jock Tyler Davin

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DNA have done it again with this sexy summertime shoot featuring the smooth jock body of Tyler Davin. You know, normally it's about the whole package, and with him there is definitely a delicious package! But there are some specific things about this guy in these shots that are special.

First of all I have to point out the obvious and make some appreciative noises about that sexy bulge. We all love a good cock-shaped package in a photo, and he has a lot of that going on in these pics. But then there's his handsome face...

His eyes, his cute button nose, and his upper lip all scream "come and kiss me now!" and I know almost all of you reading this would gladly follow such an instruction - and more besides!

And I would be a complete nincompoop if I didn't at least mention his tight muscle jock body, those abs, those traps, those pecs... There's a whole lot of Tyler Davin to go around, and I really wouldn't mind sharing him at all ;)

You might recognize the style of these shots too, because the wonderful David Vance is responsible for them, and he's one of those photographers I love to follow.

Tyler Davin by David Vance (1)

Tyler Davin by David Vance (2)

Tyler Davin by David Vance (3)

Tyler Davin by David Vance (4)

Tyler Davin by David Vance (5)

Tyler Davin by David Vance (6)

Tyler Davin by David Vance (7)

Tyler Davin by David Vance (8)

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12 years ago

awesome 🙂

12 years ago

This post is really awesome i can’t control myself.. its so clear and gud

1 year ago

Pound my big dick off

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