Sexy Jock Model Joe Bruzas Likes To Take Steamy Selfies

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I have only just seen Joe Bruzas, but after checking out some of his sexy selfies I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of this fit young man on the Gay Body Blog in the future.

Although he's a professional model he's of that generation where taking plenty of pics and posting them on-line is normal. I know a lot of us don't get it, and it probably takes a special kind of narcissism to be doing that as often as some people do, but when they look like Joe Bruzas I think we're all very happy that they're so open.

A lot of male models have social media accounts and don't do the whole selfie thing, they generally just post about what they're doing in their lives and the shoots they're going to, but Joe Bruzas really gets into showing off and the results are pretty hot to check out too.

Want to join him in the sauna? How about taking a dip in the pool? I think we'd all love to just hang out with him shirtless, but the chance to work up a sweat would definitely not be missed :)

Enjoy his pics, and have a great New Years Eve tonight!

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9 years ago

Great face & thank you for not shaving under ur arms..

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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