Sexy Jock Hunk Sami Hossny Is Looking Fine!
I think we might be seeing more of Sami Hossny on the Gay Body Blog after enjoying this shoot by Adrián C. Martín. The photographer might be pretty familiar to us all by now (if not, where have you been?) but this handsome and smooth muscled jock is entirely new to us, and I want more of him.
It's perhaps not too surprising that we haven't seen him before, it looks like he's only appeared in a couple of shoots. Doing a little digging I found a couple of pics of him without any tattoos from (I assume) a few years ago, looking a little fresher and younger than he is here. But, even though I know some of you really don't like the ink, I do think he's looking hotter now in this shoot.
He's a handsome guy, and he's got an amazing body to show off too. I don't think I'm the only one here hoping that we might get to see some sexy nude shots of the guy in the future :)
Let me know what you guys think of him, leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button, and feel free to share this post around out there for you friends and followers to enjoy.
Have a lovely Thursday!

The tat of the Olympic rings intrigues me, as they are usually only gotten by those who have participated in the Games. Conran, can you put your detective skills to work and see if he has indeed been in the Olympics? He’s quite the looker, nonetheless.
He’d look better without the ink.
never mind the ink, get rid of those socks! LOL
Not one of the better ones. Bad ink. Bad clothing.
Ink, ugh!….Socks make his calves look skinny.