Sexy Italian Jock Gabriele Serrago Is Ready To Tease

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Can you guess what Gabriele Serrago does for a living, I mean other than teasing the hell out of us all in some very sexy and quite revealing photos? Yeah, you guessed it, he's a personal trainer.

We went through a little phase where the models I was finding were a little more diverse in their career choices, but I guess it was inevitable that we'd get back to the handsome fitness professionals. It's an understandable cross-over, a lot of gym-going professionals are damn fine looking!

I can only imagine how many clients come to him simply because he's so sexy. I mean, I know it's incredibly unprofessional to think that way but you have to admit you'd like him to train you, just for the eye-candy if nothing else.

And after seeing these photos by Nikolas Krashias I'm wondering if he ever joins a client in the shower after a good workout.

Okay, I'm getting far too hot and bothered, I think I just need to give you these photos of the sexy man and leave you to your own devices while I go and calm down.

Leave a comment, share the post, hit that thumbs-up button, and have a wonderful Sunday, won't you?

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5 years ago

Last pic is tantalising…

5 years ago

The mustache makes him look like one of those Italian comedians. Like Charlie Chaplain with and without a mustache. A little shave could bring out the handsome.

5 years ago

Question de gout , bien sur ; mais pour moi la moustache fait un peu tache , comme unpoint sur un oeil que cela rend un rien méchant : mais quel plastique et corps bien proportionné !

Bailoir Smith
Bailoir Smith
5 years ago

Only critism is some of the pictures to darker background!

rob beck
rob beck
4 years ago

Oh those Italians. They do it for me everytime–I wish! I’ll take a man with a mustache every time

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