Sexy In Soccer Gear With Paul Forman

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Way back in May of this year we saw handsome jock Paul Forman for the first time, showing off some sexy swimwear in the sun, and I added him to my list of dudes to check in on in the future.

Well, that time has come, and I think a lot of you are going to appreciate what I found today when I went looking for some more photos of this handsome hunk.

He's a gorgeous man, we already know that, but this shoot in a soccer theme only makes him sexier. Yeah, I have a thing for footballers, even if I have absolutely zero interest in the game itself there's a lot to be said about some of the sexy men in their sexy kit!

Paul Forman actually looks like he could be a British footballer. There's a little hint of a young Beckham in him. Maybe I'm just reading too much into these photos, but as someone who lusted after "golden balls" way back in the day I can certainly see some similarities.

If this doesn't fuel some fantasies about team showers after the game then i don't know what could.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, share the post, hit that thumbs up button. Most importantly, have a damn good Friday! :)

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