Sexy Hunks For Maskulo Fetish Gear

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We've seen some great shots of hot and hunky men showing off more than a little flesh for the Maskulo Fetish Wear company before, but while I always love what they do I have to say that this would have been better if there was more dick on show and I could have used it for a naked post :) Still, I love their men and their style even though I wouldn't have any cause to wear any of their fetish gear, and this shoot by photographer Stas Vokman deserves to be shared on the blog. I'm not sure why they've toned things down for this shoot compared to the previous ones we've seen from them, but something tells me we'll be seeing more nudity from their brand in the future with some of their hottest guys showing off more skin. One of the best things about them is that they really display their masculinity. I guess that's what this brand is about though. You couldn't really put on any of their gear and not feel like you're heading into battle or something lol I don't have names for their models featured here, but if you know any of them then please leave a comment and share. In fact, leave a comment anyway and just say hi!

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7 years ago

number 8 is vlad galdin i don’t know the others but they all hot!!!

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