A Very Sexy And Handsome Nude Dude For Angel Ruiz

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I wish I knew more about who this handsome man is, but all we know about him is that his name is Bash, or at least that's the name he's going by for this shoot by photographer Angel Ruiz. I knew I wanted to share him with you guys on the blog when I got some pics from a friend by email this morning asking me if I thought he looked a lot like a mutual friend of ours called Andy - and he definitely does. I don't see Andy very often, usually only once every year or two at a music festival or other gig, but he's a hot guy who looks a lot like this Bash fellow, so you can understand that I think he's lovely :) Surprisingly, this is the first time we've seen the work of Angel Ruiz on the Gay Body Blog too, and I'm not sure why. I love these images, they're sexy and seductive, with great color and composition, and with a very sexy model too. If I were going to make any complaints I would say that the underwear isn't great, and we could use a little more of him totally naked, but other than that these are great photos of a very hot guy. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go and get in touch with Andy and see what gigs he's going to this year, we really need to catch up. Hit that thumbs-up button and leave a comment!

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