Sexy European Guys – At The Circus!

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Wow, It's Sunday evening here already and I'm wondering where the weekend went. I had a nice night last night though after hooking up with a friend I hadn't seen for about six months.

So, today I was searching the net and quickly getting over a tiny little hangover, and I stumbled across some really creative and ever-so-sexy pics by Greek photographer Errikos Andreou. The guys are all part of an "adult circus" and I'm trying to figure out which circus it might be. I know there was a great one doing the rounds in Europe a few years ago, but I can't for the life of me remember the name!

All of these guys are in the circus, they're horse trainers, acrobats, musicians and presenters. And yes, I can imagine that some of their performances can be extremely interesting!

But the images here are the real focus for me. They're pretty remarkable, very erotic and seductive, and sometimes a little dark too. I guess you could get some of these gorgeous young guys in almost any setting and it'll be worthwhile!

That's those European boys for you though. There are so many sexy, handsome and muscled young men over there. It must be something in the water...

Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (1) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (2) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (3) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (4) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (5) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (6) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (7) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (8) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (9) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (10) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (11) Sexy European Guys - At The Circus (12)  

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13 years ago

Different looks and poses, but very erotic !!!!

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