Sexy Eduardo Rivera Looking Fine In A Shoot By Afif Kattan

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I love black and white photography, especially when it's sexy and sultry like this shoot featuring male model Eduardo Rivera by photographer Afif Kattan. I'm pretty sure we've seen this handsome and muscled hunk on the Gay Body Blog before, but I think it was probably part of collection of guys and we didn't know who he was. His handsome face is definitely familiar, but his name is new to me. Now that I know who he is you can be pretty sure I'm gonna be tracking down some more shoots with the gorgeous guy. I've already been searching for more about him, but he hasn't picked a very unique name to work under and because of that I keep finding sports commentators, actors, politicians and just random old dudes. If you know anything about this particular Eduardo Rivera, please leave a comment and let me know too. I have a fave pic, of course, and you can probably predict that it's the teasing naked shot with him hiding his junk. I love photos like that in a shoot because it usually means they're more willing than most to show everything off, and we would all like to see that, right guys? :) Enjoy the handsome hottie, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and have a fantastic Wednesday. Muscled male model Eduardo Rivera standing waring only black underwear Eduardo Rivera laying on the ground taking off his black underwear shirtless male model Eduardo Rivera oiled and glistening shirtless male model Eduardo Rivera in black and white male model Eduardo Rivera in black underwear Eduardo Rivera naked

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6 years ago

Gorgeous, is right……outstanding body

1 year ago

Hide ur little pussy

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