Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes!

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So I think it's time for a little nudity, and although I couldn't find anything that really grabbed me in the nude mainstream male model arena recently, I did stop by Randy Blue again today and saw a sexy sweet set of pics featuring the gorgeous young model Brett Swanson.

I've never really paid much attention to the whole "twink" thing. If a guy is hot, he's hot. I have no idea what makes a boy a twink, but I assume they have to be slim, young, cute and pretty clean-cut. Am I right?

The guys on the site there call this boy a twink, but I'm not actually sure he qualifies for that. Of course that's just my opinion, but it looks like he's filling out and beefing up to become a bit of a hunky dude! You can tell if you go back and see some of his hardcore videos on the site that he's changed quite a bit since he started out there as a real twink boy.

I don't really care what they call him, I think he's lovely. And he really is just getting better in my opinion. I can't wait to see if he becomes a really hot and slightly rugged muscle jock (check out the facial hair he's getting started on!)

Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (1) Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (2) Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (3) Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (4) Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (5) Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (6) Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (7) Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (8) Sexy Brett Swanson Teases And Flashes (9)

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13 years ago

He definitely is not a twink!!!!!!! 🙂

13 years ago

He most definitely has muscles! And he is young, but that`s all “twink” about him!

frank stone
frank stone
13 years ago

doesn’t do much for me at all – I like a more masculine approach to nudity

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