Sexy Bisexual Hunks (Actors)

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Happy Pride Month! Remember the B in LGBT stands for our bisexual brothers. Let's give a shout out to these sexy bisexual actors. Our friends at MrMan have over these bi studs and 7000 other male celebs…exposed. Daniel Newman is a star on The Walking Dead (2010) who grew up conservative in the south. Well, we're glad he tosses that aside to be open about his bisexuality. Colton Haynes often plays womanizers even though he swings both ways. We hope to see him swing the other way on screen soon. Nico Tortorella is openly bisexual and openly hot. Just look at this guy sporting bathing suit bulge! See more of Nico here! Alan Cumming is a gay icon who makes us want to cum. This happily married hottie still identifies as bisexual! See our Openly Gay playlist! Joe Dallesandro has never been afraid to be himself - no matter how few clothes that requires! And now for some retro bisexual studs. Ezra Miller was told that coming out could ruin his career, but it certainly hasn't hurt him yet. We're glad this guy is happy to be queer and show off his rear. See out Best Butt’s playlist Before marrying a woman, Anthony Perkins was rumored to be involved with Burt Lancaster Old school Hollywood studs…exposed Alan Bates was voted Playgirl's "Sexiest Man Alive" but this charming bi Brit is one of the sexiest of all time! Over 75,000 pics & videos of naked Hollywood hunks  

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Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
6 years ago

Very, very hot. I like bi men.

4 years ago

Colton Haynes is not bi, he’s gay.

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