Sexy Ben Howard Photographed By Doug Inglish
It's actually not that often that I find a new male model out there and present him to you before he's even done very much, mainly because they're so hard to find. But. I did manage to find this new face, and after seeing some photos of sexy Ben Howard by Doug Inglish I had to get them on the Gay Body Blog for you all to take a look at.
Because he seems to be so new I actually know nothing about him, other than he's sexy and deserves to be shared. But I do have other motivations for sharing him too...
He looks so much like a guy I knew a few years ago, a guy I hooked up with a couple of times just as he was "experimenting" with his desires. He was easily one of the hottest guys I have ever been with, and so seeing this handsome young man totally had me thinking back to that guy I knew.
I love it when a model trigger something like that and gets me thinking. I can certainly say that if I knew Ben personally I would be thinking about him a hell of a lot ;)
If you happen to see anything more of this new guy out there please let me know.

I can see why you find him familiar. I live near several colleges / universities, and every fifth young guy I see comes in this generic, scrawny white boy model.
And, since that look bores the hell out of me, it is so very easy to ignore.
As always, impossible to please and forever critical 😉
Now, Conran, you well know that this is not true. See your posting for December 1 … among others.
You just happen to fall for anything with a prick. Which is fine. You are certainly not alone. That’s pretty much true of most females. It’s when you (and them) find out he is (they are) a prick(s) that you have regrets.
Having standards, I have no regrets.
In case you didn’t notice, this is a blog celebrating the beauty of a diverse collection of men from all over the world. If we presented solely the guys that you yourself find absolutely perfect in every single way (while you also have no idea if your vision of perfection has an atrocious attitude to life and those around them – ie a “prick”) then this blog would have an audience of one; you.
It’s one thing to have “standards” and quite another to dismiss any man who doesn’t conform to your exquisitely specific ideal.
You don’t like smokers, don’t like tattoos, don’t like piercings, don’t like slim guys, don’t like twinks, don’t like less buff and muscled men, some have too much hair, others not enough, the photography isn’t right, the angle isn’t perfect, the lighting isn’t good, the hair too long, too short, he’s too plain, he’s too “stereotypically handsome”…
Some of us just appreciate different men, and some have such an impossible ideal that they will rarely be happy.
Feel better? Glad I was able to help you get that off your chest. You have a blessed holiday and, hopefully, a better New Year.
Feel better? Glad I was able to help you get that off your chest. You have a blessed holiday and, hopefully, a better New Year.