Sexy Aussie Guys Looking Hot In The Surf

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I know, I have bitched more than a few times about the boring same old shoots of guys on beaches, but I think you'll forgive me for seeming to be a bit of a hypocrite for sharing this collection of delicious dudes from aussieBum. Let's be honest, it's gonna be hard for them to come up with a different theme for their shoots, given what they do. I think we can forgive them for basically living at the beach with their models and delivering photos like these. I don't have any names for any of these models, but if you can identify any of them then please leave a comment and let me know so I can go and search for more. I think I might have seen at least one of these handsome hunks naked in a shoot for a major photographer before, but I'll need to do a lot more digging to be certain. Being Australian guys you can bet that at least a couple of these handsome dudes have posed naked. It seems to be one of those things that Aussie guys do so well, getting their clothes off for a photographer. I was going to end this post by suggesting that I have a fave out of these guys, but they're all lovely and I wouldn't kick any of them out of my bed. Have a fab Friday!

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6 years ago

Absolutely gorgeous!

6 years ago

The men are flawless, but c’mon, aussieBum! Where are the super-skimpy, sheer-when-wet suits we’re used to seeing from you? These ones are nice, but they don’t show the goods very well. We want barely-concealed Aussie male nudity!!! lol

6 years ago

#1 is Jacob Woodhouse (@jacobwoodhouse)
#3, 6, & 7 are Andrew Papadopoulos (@andrew_pap_)
#4 is Matt Wilson (@mattywilson)

6 years ago

I’m just fine with skin, and what better place to show it? So many times the artsy-fartsy set-ups simply take away from the body beautiful. It’s the same with the tattooed wonders hiding what’s underneath. If I want to see art, I’ll go to a museum. What better place to see gorgeous bodies than at the beach, in simple settings, as per these shots, albeit I agree that they could be much skimpier in beachwear choice.

6 years ago

Fourth guy is Matt Wilson…so hot!! He also stars in Aussie soap Neighbours, he is in a gay marriage storyline at the moment

6 years ago

Andrew Papadopoulos

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