Sexy Anderson Fermino

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Sexy Anderson Fermino is a Brazilian male model who I only just recently stumbled across in another shoot and had to go looking for more of. There's a very good reason for that too, because this sexy young hunk of manliness looks so much like a Polish guy I used to work with I had to do a double-take!

I'm not the only one who thinks this hunk looks just a little European too. I passed this first pic around a couple of friends by email today and they all seemed to agree that he even looks like your typical gay European porn star! lol

Of course, I don't know anything about this handsome young man, so I will say right now that I don't know if he's gay, and I very much doubt that he's ever appeared in porn either - I'm sure I would have seen him at some time if he had - I watch a lot of it! ;)

Although I know nothing about this handsome stud, I will certainly be looking for some more pics of this guy. He's so good looking, and he has a great body. I just wish that damn tree wasn't in the way for that one specific shot...

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Nick Russell
Nick Russell
12 years ago

Gluteus MAXIMUS – picture 2!

12 years ago

Thats a bubble butt! “Sex in the garden” comes to ones mind again..quick before autumn takes away the heat. Nice photos I love classy ones like that!…nough underwear shots. 🙂

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