Sexy Alex Naldo Has A Hot Bulge And A Great Body

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Happy Tuesday guys! I have someone pretty damn hot for you all to enjoy today and I'm really surprised we haven't seen this handsome young man before on the blog. I guess that might mean he's new to the business because looking the way he does I'm certain we would have noticed him already.

His name is Alex Naldo, and while we don't know a whole lot about him at the moment I'm going to be spending some time looking for more information, and some more shoots, after seeing this hot collection of pics from photographer Guilherme Borges.

This is the first time we've seen the work of this photographer, too. I'm now wondering if this is the kind of gorgeous guy he usually works with and if we should be checking out more of his images.

As you can see, Alex is an extremely good looking young man. There aren't any close up portrait shots of that handsome face but you can see enough to know he's the kind of guy who doesn't have to try to get attention.

He also has a damn fine body, athletically muscled, but not over the top.

Most obviously, he has a great cock bulge to show off in those tight little trunks and the way he carries himself so confidently and sexily while wearing them tells me he's not too shy when it comes to getting naked. Has he been in any nude shoots for a good photographer already? I don't know, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for when I get out there looking for more of him.

I really hope there's plenty to enjoy.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think, hit that thumbs up button and share the post with your friends and followers!

Have a great Tuesday and I'll see you back here tomorrow for more :)

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3 years ago

Il relance la nouvelle vague

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