Sexiest Scenes From The Most Followed Celebs On Instagram!

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You'll want to double tap the most followed male celebs who are featured on Mr. Man! The number one most followed celeb in the world is soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, with 157 million thirsty fans. If the goal is to see his bulge, head to his commercial for Armani Jeans!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson treats his 133 million followers to countless steamy sweaty workout videos. But for something that will make you rock hard, check out his follow-worthy ass on Ballers!

You better Beliebe Justin Bieber has 105 million Insta followers. And that he flaunted his tight twink bod and big ol’ bulge in his iconic Calvin Klein ad!

In David’s ad for H&M, you can bend it to Beckham, whose following is 54 million strong. He loses his robe and even picks his wedgie twice!

Matching David’s 54 million followers is Justin Timberlake. In Friends with Benefits, we have the benefit of seeing his amazing smooth ass. We love a guy who swallows, I MEAN, follows!

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