Sex, Party, and Lies

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Our latest favorite foreign film is Alfonso Albacete's salacious Sex, Party and Lies, the name really does say it ALLLL. We need to prepare you for the amount of jaw-dropping studs you’re going to see. It’s like Spanish tapas. There are so many yummy morsels here that you just don’t know what to bury your face in first.

We have Tony and Nico and their perfect, sculpted, smooth mounds, jiggling like four flotation devices as the guys go running naked into the ocean for a dip.

In case this isn’t enough to wet your whistle, the two young lads later share a heated exchange in a hallway with Yon Gonzalez completely nude, swaying peen and balls in motion.

The real winner here (besides you) is Pablo and his huge, tight and gloriously hairy ass. The rarest of breeds, we get more than a glimpse of this 8th wonder of the world as Maxi lies in bed then gets on his knees, bring his fuzzy fanny even closer to our faces.   

It’s a succession of jarring visuals including steamy club scenes, hot house parties, lots and lots of sex, and of course, sultry Spanish stallions. Olé! 

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1 year ago

les promesses du titre sont bien tenues et puis ce cliché bleu, mmmm

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