Seriously Hot Travis Hanson

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Travis Hansen is one of those guys you'd see in a mag or on a poster and immediately fall in love with. He has the kind of image that just screams "clean", and you want to corrupt him... or at least I do ;)

With classic handsomeness and a great athletic body, he has so much going on. There's plenty here to draw anyone in and make them want to see more. Forget what he is or isn't modelling, this guy looks amazing in any setting and with anyone taking the image. I don't think it would be possible to see a "bad" photo of this young guy.

A lot of his older images make him look like a young DiCaprio or River Phoenix, but some of his more recent images suggest he's dropped that "innocent" youthful style and is going for something a little rougher.

Check out those dark pics, they look a little amateurish and unscripted don't they? But although they lack the high polish, they are probably some of the hottest I've seen of this hunk. I'm not sure what the metal glove thing is supposed to be (I do wish it wasn't there, and not for artistic reasons!) but those images are definitely my favourites.

Long live the Avant-garde!

Travis Hansen - Slim and SexyTravis Hansen - What's With the Glove?Travis Hansen - Serious AbsTravis Hansen - A Fair Bit To Cover?

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13 years ago

Travis has long been one of my absolute favorites in the blogosphere. He has an “American build”, i.e. not as emaciated or skinny as so many of the European models seem to have.

There is a video of him on youtube in which he also seems to be a truly nice, articulate, and hard-working guy. All in all, a great package!

13 years ago

Can I have his Ph number

13 years ago

I need I need I need

12 years ago

Very masculine man!!!!!!

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