Serious And Sexy – Ilgiz Khuzhin

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How has your weekend been so far? I hope you're having a lovely Sunday. Mine is going well, I'm just getting a little work done this morning then I'm heading out to the nearest beer garden to have a few drinks with a friend. It's gorgeous here right now and you know I love to take advantage of some nice weather. I probably won't be saying that in a month when a heatwave hits lol So what do I have for you today? I have the gorgeous and buff Ilgiz Khuzhin looking damn fine in a shoot by photographer Sasha Kosmos. I have to say though, what's with the serious face? He's a handsome guy, but he should smile once in a while, I think it would really suit him. He has a pretty severe look about him, doesn't he? He kind of looks like a villain in a Bond movie or something. Still, smiling or not, with a body and a bulge like that I would not be kicking him out of my bed, or even bothering to waste time trying to make him laugh. There's only one thing I would love to do to this guy, or rather a list of things I would love to do lol Check him out, leave a comment, share this post on Twitter and Facebook and all that lovely stuff! Most importantly of course, go outside and enjoy your Sunday :)            

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8 years ago

Just that little hint of a smile at the end. A great smile could be a great asset to his great body.

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