Self Sucking Bottom Zack Randall Gets The Jock Cock Of Ryan Rose

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It's Friday! That means we have some hardcore action to post on the blog, and I think - no, I KNOW - a lot of you guys are really going to want to see this video from the Falcon Studios site!

There are a lot of guys I love to see in gay porn, in fact my list is so long I can't write a list at all. This scene stars a couple of my top guys, with gorgeous uncut self sucker Zack Randall being pounded by hunky jock top Ryan Rose.

You'll notice I said self sucker. That's one of Zack's skills, one of the horniest things about him. He might not be able to get a lot of his cock in his own mouth, but seeing him licking his own foreskin and tasting the precum from his own dick is probably enough to please a lot of you.

Another thing I love about this boy is his immense cum loads. When Zack shoots his jizz he usually unloads hard and messy ;)

Obviously Ryan is just as gorgeous. Even though he hasn't had the kind of attention and appreciation I think he deserves (he really should be up there with names like Cody Cummings) he's showing in this video just how good of a top he really is.

It's a great scene, one I think you guy are going to want to watch. Trust me when I say you'll probably be stroking out more than just one load over this video ;)

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10 years ago

what’s the name of the video these hotties are in?

1 year ago

Chicken FUCK ME baaby —

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