Seeing Filip Wolfe Bulging In Tighty-Whities Is A Good Way To Enjoy Your Tuesday
This is the first time we've enjoyed handsome Swedish model Filip Wolfe on the the blog but I think I might have to add him to my list of guys to check out more from, if you guys like him enough and click that thumbs-up button!
I don't know anything about him at the moment, other than he's gorgeous and he apparently lives in Stockholm.
He can't be the first male model from that region we've seen on the blog, but I can't actually remember any others. I do find that surprising, considering so many gorgeous men come from that part of the world.
I managed to find these photos of the handsome young man showing off in some very sexy and full undies, but they come without the name of a photographer. I did look around for more, but so far I haven't found any other info about it.
Obviously he looks amazing in them, and from the package he's displaying here he would look even better without! lol
I don't think we're going to get a shoot like that from the guy, however. While it's true that European men are generally more easygoing about that kind of thing, I don't think he seems like the type to go fully naked in front of the cameras.
I guess we'll see. I'm probably going to spend a while looking for more of this guy :)
Leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and have a great Tuesday.

That is one sexy boy!!
Love his lips…