Second Look At European Muscle Hunk Dima Novikov

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Back in November we enjoyed our first look at this handsome and buff European muscle hunk, and I knew we would be seeing him again.

I confess, I had hoped that we would see Dima Novikov naked.

He's got that sexy attitude. He's a bit of a tease and I could imagine that he would be down to pose in some erotic pics.

Unfortunately, he hasn't done that yet.

I admit I'm quite surprised.

You can totally imagine him having an OnlyFans and showing off his assets on social media, right?

I don't know if we're going to see that in the future, but I do think he needs to meet up with a good photographer who delivers stylish nudes. We can all picture him posing for someone like Rick Day, can't we? I mean, he's got the look and the physical presence for that kind of posing.

We still don't know much about him other than his name. I did try to find more info but the only social media account I could find was for a Ukrainian guy of the same name.

Let me know if you know anything about him in the comments. I can safely predict we're going to see more of this European muscle hunk in the future, and I hope that time he's nude :)

Enjoy! Leave a comment. Hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post.

Have a great Thursday and I'll see you back here tomorrow :)

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Uncut Henry
Uncut Henry
3 days ago

Awesome body.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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