Sean Becomes A Bit Of A Power Bottom For Rowan In This Jock Bareback Video

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I can't believe another week has flown by already! I don't know where the time goes, but damn I'm glad it's Friday. I have something special for you today in the form of some hardcore jock bareback, but if you're not into gay porn (lol) then stick around for the model post coming up, you're really going to enjoy it.

So for this one we have Rowan and Sean appearing over on the Sean Cody site.

I know some of you guys were a little worried about the rumors and the suggestions that the site was going to become just another rehashing of other sites out there, but they really seem to be keeping things the way we love them.

Sean is the guy getting that naked cock up his hole for this one, after plenty of jerking and sucking of course. These guys really know how to deliver a good session, they're both experienced guys who know how to use their dick.

Rowan tries his hardest to satisfy that ass in this video, but I have a feeling Sean was still wanting more even after those cum loads had been blasted out :)

Check out some of the pics from this jock bareback scene and click through for the video.

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9 years ago

Sean is such a natural top and — even though I am not impressed by things such as the immensely thick and powerful pile driver between his legs, really — his being a bottom is a waste of talent.

Besides, being a bitch is so 1970s. Come on, Sean, man up … again!

9 years ago

Rowan has one of the best butts on this site.. II never know who’s straight or it really doesn’t matter after the paycheck.. Yes I agree Sean May like to bottom bit do it at home.. We rarely see dicks as big as his.. Maybe they can’t get guys to take that big dick.. Rowan’s good too but I don’t think he’s taken a dick yet.. He holding out for payday.. Even Doug bottomed a couple times and he was hot hot ..

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