Scruffy Hunk Konstantin Resch Is Looking Awesome!

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Happy Sunday everyone! I hope your weekend has been as glorious as it could have been. Mine was interesting, I had a date with a very sexy man last night and I think it went rather well. We're meeting again this week :) I've spent most of today online, catching up with emails and enjoying some hot hunks a few guys have been sending me. One of those men is Konstantin Resch, and I think we're gonna need to see a lot more of this handsome and rugged guy after enjoying these photos by Fallstaff Fotografie. Both of these names are new to me, but I get the feeling we're going to be seeing more from both in the next few weeks, mainly because I'm going to be out there looking for as much as I can find! I don't know a whole lot about this gorgeous man, but I can tell you that he's from Germany, and apparently he's a coach in one sport or another, but I'm not sure which. Obviously he works out a lot, so maybe it's something to do with weightlifting? Whatever he does it certainly works for him and I'm really looking forward to finding more pics of the guy. You all know I like a handsome and rugged hunk with some muscle, and this guy definitely ticks all the boxes :) Enjoy him, leave a comment and hit the thumbs up button, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

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