Say Hello To Handsome And Fit Hunk Ivan

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I only know him as Ivan (actually, sexy and buff Ivan :) ) but if you know anything more about this handsome and fit guy then please let me know in the comments so I can go and look for more of him to share on the Gay Body Blog. The photographer is equally mysterious, referred to only as Stanly. I have to say though, there's something about these photos that seems so familiar and I think we might have seen this guys work before at least once. Whoever these two guys are they make a great team, these are some damn good images of a handsome and slightly hairy guy with a great body and a teasing attitude that definitely makes me want to see more of him. I'm not sure what's hotter about him, that body or those eyes. I guess together that expression and his fine physique are what makes this guy so delicious to look at. Do I need to say anything about that bulge? Okay, yes I do, we want to see more of it and with less material covering everything lol Leave a comment, share the post around, give Ivan a thumbs up and appreciate his handsome hotness. Say Hello To Handsome And Fit Hunk Ivan 1 Say Hello To Handsome And Fit Hunk Ivan 2 Say Hello To Handsome And Fit Hunk Ivan 3 Say Hello To Handsome And Fit Hunk Ivan 4 Say Hello To Handsome And Fit Hunk Ivan 5 Say Hello To Handsome And Fit Hunk Ivan 6

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8 years ago

WOW he is a stud! Handsome! MORE!

Barier Hsu
Barier Hsu
8 years ago

Ivan khaustov

Henry James
Henry James
8 years ago


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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