Gorgeous Saquon Barkley Naked For ESPN Body Issue 2018!

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Yep, you know I had to get these photos of gorgeous Saquon Barkley naked on the Gay Body Blog for you guys to check out. I know some of you are gonna be a little pissed that there's no full-frontal action here, but come on, it's ESPN, what did you expect? Nevertheless, it's a sexy shoot and the man is looking damn fine working out and showing off that impressive body. Would you just look at those thighs! And how about that ass!? There's a guy at my gym who looks a lot like Saquon Barkley, and I've seen him naked, so I guess I have a better frame of reference for my imagination to use than some of you might, but I'm sure you'll manage anyway :) Now, I have to admit that being a Brit I don't really pay any attention at all to American Football. I've never really been that interested in any of it to be honest. I do have to say, however, that men like Saquon arouse my interest when they appear for a photo shoot like this one. I'm not saying I'll be tuning in to watch him play, but maybe I'll pay a little more attention to some of the hottest players. Let me know in the comments if there's anyone in the sporting world you think we should check out! Have a fantastic Wednesday, say hi below and hit that thumbs-up button if you want more like this handsome hunk. Saquon Barkley Naked For ESPN Saquon Barkley Naked For ESPN Saquon Barkley Naked For ESPN Saquon Barkley Naked For ESPN Saquon Barkley Naked For ESPN Saquon Barkley Naked For ESPN Saquon Barkley Naked For ESPN

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6 years ago

Those tree trunk thighs!!!

6 years ago

built like a brick shithouse

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