Samy Dorgham Lets His Hairiness Show

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Okay guys, so it's been a little while since I saw a model who reminded me of someone I used to know. I guess we all knew it would happen again eventually, and that time is now.

His name is Samy Dorgham, and he's a dark and handsome, hairy and muscular stud who caught my attention the moment I saw that chest.

If you're wondering what kind of genetics are involved in making a man like this (assuming you have some kind of super-futuristic cloning technology in your garage) he's Russian and Egyptian. I can definitely see the Egyptian in him, and there's a rude joke to be made here if only I could find it.

It's a shoot by Marco Ovando, a man I think we all agree we love to pieces. He just knows how to deliver the goods, consistently giving us awesome shoots like this one with stunning men to fill our fantasies.

Believe me, I'm going to be thinking about this hairy hottie in those undies for a while.

Enjoy him, I know a lot of you love the natural look and I think he's managed to deliver that perfectly. Let me know in the comments what you all think of him, and if you want more I can get out there and see what I can find :)

Have a fantastic Thursday, it's nearly the weekend, YAY!

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6 years ago

Who actually thought it was a great idea to ask him to strike those campy poses (those with red background)???

6 years ago

some body hair, OK, but lots of pubic hair is awful

3 years ago

There are many guys like me who absolutely love great pubic bushes. This is very very masculine and those without pubes, cleanly shaved, look just like pre-pubescent teenagers!!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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