Russian Muscle Hunk Konstantin Kostin Is Back!

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It's been far too long since we last saw Russian muscle hunk Konstantin Kostin here at Gay Body Blog, but I thought it was time to have him back here and the opportunity arrived this afternoon!

When I saw these pics in my emails I couldn't wait to share him with you all again. I don't know why it's been so long!

Although he's not showing us his cock this time you can click his name above and check out all the previous posts. There are some real good ones you're gonna love.

One of the things I love about this handsome man, apart from his awesome physique and strong features, is that he always works with great photographers.

I don't know whether that's just luck, but everyone I've seen him work with has really delivered something special and sexy.

Of course they all know how to really focus on this handsome guy's awesome body.

Maybe he just can't take a bad photo? Some guys just seem to be so damn good at what they do.

Maybe I could take photos of this guy using an original Polaroid in a hail storm and they would still look amazing :)

Anyway, enough bloviating, you need to scroll down and check out this lovely guy's pics and don't forget to leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button if you want to see more of him.

I'm sure there has to be at least a few more shoots with this handsome Russian muscle hunk that we haven't seen yet.

Have a great Tuesday!

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1 year ago

Can we see more pictures next time, please ?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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