Russian Muscle – Andre Birleanu

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Andre Birleanu has a fascinating family. I know it's odd to mention, but it just has to be said... His father was a notable name in criminal law, being involved in trials relating to war crimes, weapons trading and human trafficking. His mother worked for the United Nations in New York! So, you know that this guy wouldn't only wow you with his good looks and amazing body, he'd also wow you with intelligence. And if that wasn't certain already, he moved to New York in the mid nineties and began studying International law and Forensic Psychology, aiming to follow in his fathers footsteps.

This was all interrupted when he was scouted by an agent for Boss Models in NY and became an immediate success.

It seems that being good looking, big and butch, and really intelligent is something of a feat - VH1 made a big deal about it and had him on their reality TV show "America's Most Smartest Model". Yeah, I think that's a little unfair too, I've encountered a lot of models to feature here who seem to have an opinion and more than a few brain cells to rub together and create an original thought!

Anyway, check out these images and appreciate the incredible jock muscle on this boy, and his handsome face too (I know, the first one makes him look a little mean, like a beat-up boxer). And remember that if you meet him you won't just get good eye-candy for the wank bank, you'll have to sit down and have a really good convo about something intellectual ;)

Incidentally, anyone else see an echo of Billy Idol in his look?

Russian Muscle Jock Model Andre Birleanu Russian Muscle Jock Model Andre Birleanu Russian Muscle Jock Model Andre Birleanu Russian Muscle Jock Model Andre Birleanu Russian Muscle Jock Model Andre Birleanu Russian Muscle Jock Model Andre Birleanu Russian Muscle Jock Model Andre Birleanu

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